Frequency first! Does my frequency affect people?
Frequency first! Does my frequency affect people? In this video we will be explaining frequency, and how a healing frequency affects the people and energy around you. Learning how to raise your frequency, and what it means to vibrate at a higher frequency are important questions especially in today’s energetic climate. 7 signs that you are vibrating at a higher frequency, and the importance of taking responsibility for your vibrational frequency will be covered in this post.
By Polly Green
I was just going through the course portal homework answers from my clients and I wanted to share this question that came in from my client in regards to the work we have been doing with raising her frequency and clearing her energetic space.
She asked, “Do you think that raising my frequency can affect other people?”
Good question!
Let’s dive into the question Does my frequency affect people?
What I am about to share has helped me, and all of my clients to raise their frequency and experience transformational results in their daily lives.
Putting our frequency first means prioritizing it above everything else.
How we do this is first to recognize when we have slipped into a lower frequency. This can occur by the thoughts we think, or people we are around, or things we consume.
When you are used to living in a high frequency state you will notice it when you have a slip. It feels uncomfortable. You may want to try to avoid the discomfort by ignoring, numbing, running, which are Fight, flight, freeze responses to trauma. It may feel like you are regressing.
We do get thrown tests on our journey into higher frequency states, that tempt us to react and fall back into familiar patterns.
Our job is to spot the tests and pass them by doing things differently.
This may mean you put things on hold and spend extra time to feel the feelings that are coming up through breathwork, or to clear our energy and release energy cords using energy clearing techniques, meditation and mantra practice, self compassion and forgiveness practices, and asking your otherside team and higher power for help.
When we experience a frequency slip it is important to back track your activities and interactions and spot the possible trigger.
Did you join a new group? Have you engaged with people in a different way online? Have you been open to a new energy that is out of alignment?
Are you upleveling? Sometimes when things are going well and we are not used to feeling good it can trigger us to sabotage.
Your frequency affects those around you without a doubt. Everything is energy including us. We are in energetic connection with all beings and all things like a giant spider web of energy.
Similar to placing two tuning forks side by side. When one of the tuning forks is struck the other tuning fork will match the vibration of the one that has been struck without being actually struck itself.
Raising our vibrational frequency is the number one biggest gift we can give to ourselves and the world right now.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
The Voice of Intuition
The voice of intuition. How to trust your intuition and how to tell intuition from mind and fear voices is the topic of this video. We will talk about how to harness intuition, and I will be teaching you one of my favorite intuition exercises, that is super helpful in distinguishing intuition vs fear. In this intuition development video you will learn how to use intuition in your decision making, and how to develop your intuition skills so that you hear the voice of your intuition. This lesson will help to strengthen your intuition, so that you connect to the intuition frequency. This is super great for empaths looking for intuition signs and helpful for discerning between your mind, fear and intuition voices.
By Polly Green
Yes, you can totally do this! NO! It is comfortable here. That is a really bad idea. Maybe we could do this if we took it slow.
If you are grappling with a decision and don’t know which voice to listen to this post is for you.
I will be breaking down the differences between mind, fear, and intuition and how you can distinguish between them.
Let’s dive into how to know when the voice is our intuition, fear, or the mind.
Intuition feels joyful. It totally lights us up. We feel like we can’t wait to get out of bed. It is what makes life feel exciting. It is on the highest end of the feeling frequency scale and is aligned with gratitude.
The voice of fear is it's the voice that tells you, “no you can't do that.”
It feels constricting and scary.
The fear voice is here to keep us safe and for the most part that's its job is to help us prevent disaster, but most of the time what the voice of fear does is it creates its own disaster. It actually creates these worst case scenarios to prevent us from following the voice of the intuition.
For example in 2019 I motorcycled solo through the Himalayas.
The voice of fear was saying, “you're going to die there's no way you can do this.”
The voice of intuition was saying, “you can totally do this.”
The voice of fear wants us to stay in our comfort zones.
Getting out of our comfort zone is how we grow.
I was able to say, “you know what? Okay fear, I totally hear you. You have a good point, but I'm going do it anyway.”
And so I did.
It was honestly the best thing I've ever done in my life. If I would have let the fear prevent me from doing that trip, well, I would have just stayed in my comfort zone.
I always would have had that feeling like I am holding myself back from something amazing.
The third voice is the voice of the mind.
Let's think of the voices now in terms of frequency. At the top of the frequency scale is our intuition voice and at the bottom is our fear voice and then in the middle of the frequency scale is our mind voice.
The logical mind really likes reason. It really likes order and planning.
It likes things to be linear and rational.
So now you know what the voice of intuition is what the logical voice is and what the fear voice
Now what we're going to do so this is some work around this.
Grab a pen your notebook and make three columns.
In the first column write your fear voice.
In the second column write your mind voice.
In the third column write your intuition voice.
Dive in to what they're all saying.
Give them all space to speak.
By listening to all the voices it helps us to gain clarity.
Once the fear voice feels heard it will quiet on it’s own. The mind voice may have some helpful ideas to make our leap of faith a bit smoother. The intuition voice will feel backed up and gives us the momentum to go forward in the direction of our dreams.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
How do I know when my intuition is speaking vs my anxiety?
Have you ever just known your partner is cheating on you? You ask them, they deny it, and you end up feeling like the crazy one.
Only to find out later that you were right?
If this scenario or something similar has ever happened to you keep reading because in this post I am going to dive deep into how to know which voices in your head are intuition and which are anxiety. So you can trust your self and you intuition and prevent future heartache.
By Polly Green
Have you ever just known your partner is cheating on you? You ask them, they deny it, and you end up feeling like the crazy one.
Only to find out later that you were right?
If this scenario or something similar has ever happened to you keep reading because in this post I am going to dive deep into how to know which voices in your head are intuition and which are anxiety. So you can trust your self and you intuition and prevent future heartache.
Let’s dive into how to know when the voice is our intuition vs anxiety.
Let’s take the partner cheating on you scenario because this is something I actually experienced and hope that by sharing this you will not have to experience the same self doubt that I did.
I will tell you my story to help illustrate the tools:
It started off as an uneasy feeling.
I just knew something was not right and I could feel there was something happening between my boyfriend and best friend at the time.
I started to have reoccuring dreams about them together.
I asked them both strait up if they were together and they denied it up and down.
Their denials left me feeling like I was crazy, because I trusted them over listening to my intuition.
I was in conflict.
What I was feeling internally was opposed to what I was being told externally.
Instead of trusting myself I trusted them.
And needless to say my self esteem started to spiral downhill as the deception continued.
To make a long story short I eventually ended the relationship and moved away and it came out years later from a person who did not know my connection - that they had in fact gotten together at the exact time my intuition told me!
The moral of the story is we know! And it is crucial that we listen.
Have you ever been in a similar situation where your intuition was right but external factors made you doubt it?
Next I am going to share with you the strategies that I now use and that I teach my clients:
What are the voices in your head telling you?
So for example In my scenario- I would list out all the internal information I was being given that the cheating was going on.
-I was having recurring dreams
-I just knew
-I felt sick to my stomach
-Things felt off
It would not leave me alone- It felt like getting hit over the head.
I could have perceive this as anxiety and I did at the time it was happening when in fact it was my inner alarm bell telling me that deception was happening behind my back.
My number one take away from this was to always trust my intuition and put it first.
We are sovereign beings. We are the only ones responsible for our happiness.
We know what is right for us and what is not. Learning to put ourselves and our intuition first and have confidence in it is a massive life changing skill, and requires us to set clear boundaries with people.
Another great tool to build confidence in your intuition is to write down all of the times your intuition has been correct and led you in the right direction.
This helps us to strengthen our trust in our intuition vs thinking or anxiety.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
How to exercise your intuition | automatic writing| Empaths
Have you been wanting to take your intuition to the next level? In this video I am going to share my favorite exercise for strengthening intuition. It is called automatic writing and I am super excited to share it with you!
By Polly Green
Have you been wanting to take your intuition to the next level? In this post I am going to share my favorite exercise for strengthening intuition. It is called automatic writing and I am super excited to share it with you!
Let’s dive into how to exercise your intuition with automatic writing.
First off I want to clarify what automatic writing is and what it is not.
Automatic writing is not journaling and it is not a brain dump of thoughts.
It is not a “normal” writing practice - like for example if you were wanting to become a better writer.
Automatic writing is a whole different kettle of fish and let me explain why.
In normal writing or journaling you are in the Beta brain wave state this is when we are taking in and processing information from the outside world.
When we do automatic writing we tap in to the alpha brain wave state or even the theta brain wave state.
The alpha brain wave state is when our information comes from internal sources, and our internal reality becomes stronger than the external reality.
Theta brain wave state is when our body falls asleep but our mind stays awake and it is a profound state of being where all things are possible. Including spontaneous healing.
Automatic writing is done from the Alpha and Theta state, and this is what makes it different from normal journaling, and explains how we are able to receive information that is not available to us when we are in the Beta brain wave state.
Automatic writing is best done first thing in the morning. Why this is is because you are still in an alpha, theta or delta brain wave and it is easier to access the internal connection.
Step 1:
Get up out of bed in the morning and do a 5 to 10 minute meditation.
Step 2:
Have a pen and notebook ready.
Step 3:
Keep your awareness internally focused. This means do not turn on any electronics or devices before doing this. I recommend that you have your phone on airplane mode at night so that when you wake up you are not tempted to look at it.
Step 4:
Set your intention and connect with your portal and other side guidance team and/or your higher power. It is important that you are clear with who you are connecting with and that the information you receive is coming from only the highest divine light and is for your highest and best good.
Step 5:
Write down your questions.
Some good starter questions could be:
Where would you have me go?
Who would you have me talk to?
What would you have me do?
Or if you have a specific question you want answered you can write that down.
Close your eyes and clear your mind of expectations. Take a few deep breaths with your pen in your hand ready to go.
Hear the voice and write what it says. Without any judgement or analysing just write what you hear.
It will sound different than your normal “thinking” voice.
If you don’t hear anything - write what your sensations are in your body. What are you feeling? Heat, cold, tingles, constriction?
You may see visuals or have the information come as knowing.
I hear it as a voice when doing automatic writing. It sounds like a voice that is not mine and it is very directive and super clear.
When I am doing automatic writing I feel like my hand is just holding the pen. It is not me coming up with ideas.
The information comes through me and onto the page without thought and in the alpha or theta brain wave state.
I lose complete track of time and it feels like the absolute top priority and like being in a vortex. As if you are separate from the outside world.
Give automatic writing a try if you are wanting to deepen your intuition connection, and let me know how it goes in the comments!
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
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*To learn more in depth about these different states of brain waves and consciousness I highly recommend checking out the work of dr Joe dispenza and I will link some helpful videos in the description.
Crash course understanding brain waves DR Joe Dispenza
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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
The secret to good intuition- Empaths
Want to know the secret to good intuition? In this post we are going to dive deep into intuition and how you can better listen to it.
First let's dive in to some common intuition questions.
What is intuition?
Intuition is knowing something without knowing how we know. It is beyond reasoning and intellectual understanding.
By Polly Green
Want to know the secret to good intuition? In this post we are going to dive deep into intuition and how you can better listen to it.
First let's dive in to some common intuition questions.
What is intuition?
Intuition is knowing something without knowing how we know. It is beyond reasoning and intellectual understanding.
Which voice do I listen to?
We all have a lot of voices in our heads.
Intuition is the voice that is the most quiet.
It is like a whisper and you will often want to brush it off.
Where does the intuitive voice come from?
The voice of Intuition pops in out of nowhere.
As opposed to thinking which you will have been brewing on all day or following a mind story.
What will intuition content tell me?
Intuition will present an idea you may not have ever thought of before.
It will not make sense at the time.
But makes sense looking back.
What does it feel like?
It may feel like a curve ball is being thrown at you.
What form does the guidance take?
It may come in the form of guidance for example,”you will get an invitation. Take it”.
You may ask a question and get the entire answer that you never could have known in your mind.
You could be asking for help and have a voice pop in with an answer.
Will the answer be something I have been stewing over?
It is usually not something you would have considered doing before the voice pops in.
So with all these questions being answered what is The secret to GOOD intuition ?
Following it.
Without fail when I follow the voice it leads me to where I am meant to be every single time.
It will lead me to somewhere I never even knew existed - for example where I have been living for the past year and a half was the result of a voice popping in and telling me I would receive an invitation and to say yes.
I did exactly that and it brought me to where I live now. When I got here to this place I had never even heard of before or never thought of coming to - my intuition said you are home. My initial plan was to be here for 2 weeks. It has now been a year and a half.
It is better than I could have planned.
I would love to hear in the comments how following your intuition has led you to where you are now!
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
How to use Intuition: 5 key differences between intuition vs fear
In this post you will learn the difference between intuition vs fear and how to discern between them in 5 key steps.
The first two key differences are feelings. The second two key differences are sounds. The last key difference is the origins of both intuition and fear.
By Polly Green
In this post you will learn the difference between intuition vs fear and how to discern between them in 5 key steps.
The first two key differences are feelings. The second two key differences are sounds. The last key difference is the origins of both intuition and fear.
1. Intuition feels calm
Fear feels like a trigger or bolt of low vibe electricity.
2. Intuition feels like our whole body is in alignment and we just know it is a yes. Even if it doesn't make rational or logical sense.
How it feels when it is Fear:
Our heart beats faster, we feel constricted and our thoughts go to worst case scenarios.
3. Intuition sounds like a whisper. The voice is faint and quiet.
Fear sounds loud and aggressive.
4. The voice of Intuition pops in out of nowhere.
The voice of fear rattles around all day going in circles.
5. Intuition comes from within us or from our higher power/ guidance team.
Fear comes from an outside source: a text message, email, news, or something someone says.
Prioritizing our frequency is the first step in strengthening our intuitive voice.
Making space each day for the whisper of intuition to have space to speak is up to us.
By taking note of each activity throughout our day and whether it is high frequency or low frequency, we can delete the low vibe activities and things we consume. Which allows us space to put our attention on those things that raise our vibration.
How are some of the ways you differentiate between your intuition and fear? Be sure to drop your answer in the comments.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
10 Messages Your Loved Ones On The Other Side Want You To Know
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
How To Be A Medium To The Spirit World
By Polly Green
“Mediumship is not a dog and pony show aimed at applause or viewer ratings. It is a spiritual endeavor that seeks to validate, console, heal and uplift. It's a blessing from a phone call from God.”
- Anthon St. Maarten
7 Steps To Connect With The Other Side
1. Get clear on Who you wish to connect with. The first step is to set a really clear intention on who it is you're actually wanting to connect with. So for me, I connect with source energy, the highest divine light. I also connect with ascended masters, spirit guides, animal guides, angels, gods, goddesses, and my loved ones and other people's loved ones on the other side. And I'm crystal clear with that who I connect with.
2. Prepare and create a ritual. I suggest to light a candle, go to your altar, say a prayer, set an intention, light some incense, clear the space, clear yourself. And really honor what you are about to do.
3. Set the intention that you want to connect with the other side. Ask whoever it is, that you're wanting to connect with if they would come through and if they would be open to talking with you.
4. Pick up your spiritual phone. Dial the number and Start talking. Ask any questions you have. You want to ask the questions that you have, you want to say hi, you want to say, how are you? And then be quiet and see what they have to say. And it's really important that you be open to receiving the messages that come and it might not be exactly in words.
5. Be open to receive. Stop talking and listen.
6. Your answer may come in words or it may come as a feeling, a knowing, a smell, a picture, a sound or song.
7. When you are done thank your loved ones. And do your ritual in reverse. The last step is to say thank you. Thank everyone for coming through, thank your guides, thank source energy, thank your loved ones and then you're going to do the whole process in reverse. So close your portal, close your connection, and basically do your ritual in reverse and really be grateful for this time that you've had connecting with the other side.
🕉It's also super important that you maintain a high vibration on a daily basis. This means starting to do daily spiritual practices so that you stay clear and that you're completely open and available to receive and connect.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
10 Signs You Have Good Intuition|Empaths
Are you wondering if you might be highly intuitive?
In this post I’m going to teach you the 10 Surefire Signs That You Have Good Intuition - Empaths!
By Polly Green
“Intuition Is The Whisper Of The Soul.”
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Are you wondering if you might be highly intuitive?
In this post I’m going to teach you the 10 Surefire Signs That You Have Good Intuition.
10 Surefire Signs That You Have Good Intuition
1. You are sensitive. You pick up on other people’s emotions and feel what they feel. Similar to being like an energy sponge. You perceive things other people don’t and feel emotions of others. Often times you do not realize it and may feel like “something is wrong with you.” I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you. You are feeling energy that IS NOT YOURS!
2. You are self aware and may be very self critical or perfectionistic.
3. You have strong gut feelings and often just know things. You do not know how you know, but you just do. It comes as a feeling in your body, usually around your solar plexus chakra. Your gut is telling you what your head might be denying. You have sudden realizations pop in out of the blue and do not really know how you know the information.
4. You are good at reading people - and may perceive things that other people don’t. You can pick up on people’s vibration very quickly.
5. Strangers will tell you their whole life story. They will say something along the lines of, “I can’t believe I am telling you this!” “This is something I have not told to anyone.” People trust you and because you are a good listener they will tell you things that they have been keeping to themselves.
6. You have visions - you may get information that just pops in out of the blue. You may see energy, colors, or flashes of light.
7. You have vivid dreams that you easily recall. You may even dream something and then it happens. Or experience deja vu.
8. You hear voices. You hear a voice that is not yours that delivers wisdom.
9. You feel tingling sensations and your hairs stand on end when you hear something true.
10. You cry easily whether you are happy or sad. Sometimes emotions may come out of nowhere. You are caring and feel deeply for animals, the planet, and for others suffering.
🕉These are all signs that you have the ability to pick up on information at a deeper level, and are great clues that you are highly intuitive. It is important that you practice your gifts to gain confidence in your ability.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
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The Chakras Explained | Empaths How To Balance Them
By Polly Green
“When you unlock the mysteries of the 114 chakras, you will truly realize that you are not the body and not even the mind. You are the eternal spirit.”
- Amit Ray , 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation
In this post I am going to demystify the 7 main chakras so you can feel confident in clearing and balancing these energy centers.
The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and our 7 main chakras are exactly that, spinning wheels of energy along the central axis of our body.
The 7th chakra is at the top of our head and called the crown chakra.
It is helpful in our connection to everything Divine.
It is our gateway to connect with our otherside portal.
It helps us to know that we are never ever alone and that our divine nature is one with the cosmic all of all there is and all there ever will be.
When our crown chakra is fully open we feel still, quiet and peaceful. The mind chatter slows way down and we feel the radiance of our true Source.
Ways to open our crown chakra are meditation, yoga, breathing, prayer and intention.
Chanting the sacred sound of OM, which is the highest frequency available we accelerate our crown chakra opening.
The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and helps us with intuition, our inner seeing and cosmic knowing.
When it is open we may see colors with our eyes closed, we may get visions, see our team of angels and ascended masters or loved ones, we may have been what is known as a SEER in a past life which means we were mystical priestesses and had the gift of inner sight.
With our eyes open we may be able to see energy orbs, flashes of energy, energy worms, or even spirits, angels, and guidance team members.
Meditation and child's pose with a focus on opening our third eye as well as a strong intention will help us to balance the third eye chakra.
The sound for chanting is SHAM, which can help us to open your third eye chakra.
Moving down the body to our throat is our fifth chakra, the throat chakra.
It corresponds to speaking our truth, and feeling safe being seen and heard.
If we have been playing small and have difficulty asking for what we need, it is likely our throat chakra needs some attention.
Listening with our full attention, and voicing our highest truth are crucial elements to an open throat chakra.
Overcoming our fears and tapping into our power helps, especially if we have been silent when it comes to voicing our needs, and wants.
Chanting, singing, and speaking out loud are all great for opening the throat.
HUM is the mantra sound connected to the throat chakra.
Moving down to the center of your chest is your heart chakra. This chakra relates to love. This is the center of our energy system where the bottom 3 physical chakras meet with our top three spiritual chakras.
Self love is an area where many of us need to work. Our little versions of us live here and sometimes they can been fearful and in deep hiding.
It is our job to let them know they are safe and we are listening.
Our work with the heart chakra has to do with loving the little versions of ourselves. Especially if you have had trauma in your young life, as many of us have, our little 4 year old selves need our attention now and want to feel our love, and our approval of them.
Work with the heart chakra can be done to help us move out of self sabotage and into self love. Forgiveness, and compassion are ways that help us to balance the heart.
Feelings of grief, anger, and betrayal are signs that our heart chakras need some balancing.
Backbends are an excellent way to unblock your heart chakra.
Practicing loving kindness and compassion, giving, forgiving, and doing for others what you want for yourself are helpful tools in balancing the heart chakra.
Chanting the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM is helpful in clearing the heart and welcoming in compassion.
Our third chakra, known as the solar plexus chakra, is located above the naval and connects us with our personal power.
Our self esteem, personal transformation, warrior energy, strong sense of purpose and self esteem.
When it is blocked you may feel lost, angry and bad about yourself.
Self sabotage and self defeating energy may linger in your solar plexus.
Setting clear intentions and igniting your inner fire helps to balance your third chakra.
Following through with a daily routine and setting small achievable actions steps for yourself is super helpful in strengthening your inner fire and balancing your third chakra.
It is also associated with your inner knowing. Learning to trust your inner knowing and listening to it is super empowering and helps to keep this chakra in balance.
Your second chakra, aka sacral chakra is below your naval and is the seat of creativity and sexuality.
When you are in balance here you feel inspired, abundant, in the flow, and joyful.
When you are blocked in your sacral chakra you may feel emotionally unstable, and suffer from addictions, depression, fear, and sexual issues.
Setting an intention to be creative for ten minutes every day is a great way to build self accountability and unblock our second chakra.
Healthy sexual boundaries and energy exchanges are very important for our sacral chakra to be at its best.
Cutting cords and releasing all energy of past lovers is helpful as well as calling back and clearing all energy of ours that may still be with them.
VAM is the sound of the sacral chakra and chanting this sound can help us to open and clear our second energy center.
Our root chakra is located at the base of our spine and is all about safety, security and grounding.
When we are out of balance here we may feel fear, anxiety, ungrounded, and scarcity mindset.
Our root chakra connects with our basic needs being met such as having enough food, safe shelter, clean water, feeling safe, and having plenty of money.
Practicing gratitude everyday is helpful in balancing the root chakra.
Focusing on three things you do have and feeling abundant today raises our vibration and helps bring us a sense of safety and well being.
Chanting the sound LAM can help bring our root chakra back into balance.
Meditation with an emphasis on surrendering to our higher power, trusting that we will always be ok and bringing our awareness back to the present moment are helpful tools to balance our root chakra.
Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:
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Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 X 5 Breathing Method for Anxiety
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.
Synchronicity - a sign of good intention setting - LOA
In this post you will learn how synchronicity is a sign of good intention setting. How to attract synchronicity, using the law of attraction. How signs from the universe manifest as synchronicity and how synchronicity can be a big part of your spiritual awakening. Synchronicities, and synchronicities signs, and the difference between synchronicity and coincidence.
By Polly Green
“We often dream about people from whom we receive a letter by the next post. I have ascertained on several occasions that at the moment when the dream occurred the letter was already lying in the post-office of the addressee.”
- C.G. Jung, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle
In this post you will learn how synchronicity can be a result of setting good intentions!
By the end of this post you will feel empowered with the tools to recognise how your intentions become synchronicity, you will see the power of your thoughts and how they manifest in the material, you will be super motivated to start setting intentions and see their synchronistic result.
I use this technique every day, and almost like clock work I know when something synchronistic is going to happen.
Just the other day a picture of me with an elephant from my first trip to India popped up on my Face book page.
After wards, I set the intention to go see the temple elephant and within the hour the elephant came to me, strolling down the road!
Before reading on be sure to grab my free gratitude guide available to download here. - it will help you as a template.
In last weeks post we talked about setting intentions - if you missed it check it out here.
Two Steps to Synchronicity:
Step #1 - NOTICE
Every day keep a list of daily synchronicity from the previous day.
Start with the small stuff.
I woke up at 5:55
I looked at my clock at 3:33
I was hoping to meet Sara at the beach and I did - without planning it!
I had dream about Jane and she messaged the next day!
Step #2 - REVIEW
Once you have been doing the daily Gratitude - Intentions- Synchronicity for awhile - look back and see exactly what you wrote down and what came to fruition.
This practice empowers you and your synchronistic ability to manifest.
It is a clear reminder that magic and miracles happen everyday.
We just need to notice and pay attention.
Writing them down daily as a practice helps to cultivate your awareness of the smaller synchronicity paving the way for bigger ones to come through
It helps you to feel connected to your guides, source, the universe, and your ancestors on the other side
You are never alone
Your thoughts are powerful
In summary, syncing up to your daily synchronicity:
You see the connection between your thoughts and the material.
You will become more motivated to become a conscious intention setter!
You will see more synchronicity, your vibration will rise, and you will be more motivated to keep up your daily intention setting practice!
Thanks 🙏🏼 so much for reading and be sure to leave me one of your synchronicities from today in the comments!
Namaste! - Polly
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrollment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side to gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so that they can serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
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How to set intentions-Law of Attraction-Awakening Empaths
how to set intentions- law of attraction - awakening empaths
In this post you will learn how to set intentions using the law of attraction. Awakening empaths 90% of your intentions will manifest if you do this! High vibration intention will help you to manifest fast and feel empowered every day. Take responsibility for the things you attract in your life and learn how to how to manifest by setting intentions. The intention setting process is explained step by step in this video and by the end of watching you will know how to set intentions using the law of attraction, to manifest, raise your vibration, and feel empowered!
By Polly Green
“Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfilment..intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organising power. When we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organising power to work for us”
- Deepak Chopra Law #5 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
In this post you will learn how to set intentions using the law of attraction, and become a conscious creator of your life rather than a fearful reactor.
By the end of this post you will feel empowered with the tools to start setting daily intentions, to manifest, shift your energy, and create a life you feel proud of.
This technique has helped me to: manifest around the world film jobs, achieve world class level results as an athlete, and to execute and complete massive adventures- check out the videos!
Before we dive in be sure to grab my free gratitude guide available to download here, a helpful template tool for you to use everyday!
5 Steps To Manifest With INTENTION :
Step #1
Make a list of todays intentions.
Start with the small stuff.
Get money out at ATM
Get fruit and veg at veg stand
Get flowers
Go to the beach
Step #2
Be thankful before the magic happens.
I am so thankful there was no line at the ATM and I got money out easily on the first try!
I got served right away at the fruit stand and they gave me good - not over ripe - bananas!
The flower man was nice and gave me super fresh beautiful flowers!
There was a gap in the rain and I had an awesome walk on the beach!
Step #3
Big Picture intentions
Make a list of your big picture intentions
I go Stand Up Surfing every day
I get a great 8’5” - 9’ board and great lightweight sturdy paddle
I have a surf buddy who is keen!
I am so exhilarated being in the water and surfing!
I feel like a little kid!
I am full of enthusiasm and joy!
I love the ocean!
I feel present and alive catching fun waves!
I feel full of adrenalin and so happy!
Draw a symbol around your intention in the shape of a star.
Put your specifics on one side of the symbol and your feelings on the other side of the symbol.
Step #4
Look at your big picture intentions everyday.
Feel the feelings.
See yourself doing it now.
Know that it is done.
Step #5
Let it Go
Trust it comes in the perfect way at the perfect time!
For your highest and best good and the highest and best good of all involved!
In summary, practicing daily conscious intending will help you to:
become the creator of your life rather than the reactor.
become more present in your day.
you will see more and more synchronicity happen - which will will dive into in the next post!
Thanks so much for reading and be sure to let me know how setting intentions has helped you by dropping one intention for today in the comments!
Namaste 🙏🏼-Polly
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrolment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
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Intuition exercises for awakening empaths
Intuition exercises for awakening empaths. In this video you will learn 3 life changing exercises to help your increase your intuition. You will learn the difference between intuition vs. thinking. Using your intuition will become second nature after practicing these three important intuition training steps.
By Polly Green
“Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.”
- Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love
Not sure if that little voice is your intuition or your mind?
In this post we will teach you 3 exercises to know the difference!
You will learn how:
To trust your intuition.
Know the difference between your thoughts and guidance.
Feel empowered to follow your intuition with these foolproof exercises.
3 Excercises To Strengthen Your Intuition:
1. Ask yourself small inconsequential questions throughout your day .
Should I turn Right or Left?
Should I go first to the ATM or to the Flower Store?
Be unattached to the outcome.
Do it when you have extra time and don’t need to be efficient.
Be open to magical surprises
Be present
Follow the first impulse and see where it takes you.
2. Trust the signs.
Are things unfolding effortlessly?
Do you feel like you are pushing a boulder uphill?
Does your question get answered spontaneously by a friend you bumped in to?
Are there roadblocks and obstacles on your present course?
Have you received an unexpected invitation?
Has an idea you have never thought of pop in to your mind?
You will know it is your intuition if it takes you off your normal course.
Listen without analysing.
Intuition is not logical.
Intuition does not make sense.
Intuition is always love guiding you to your highest and best good.
You will not see the bigger picture.
You must trust.
3. Whole body YES or NO
Ask your body if it is for your highest good to say yes or no.
Learn to trust your body not your mind.
Know your neutral.
Get to know yourself internally.
Body Scan meditation
Take ten minutes each day to sit quietly and retreat in to your body.
Scan your self from head to toe, and from toe to head.
How does your body feel in neutral?
This must be done everyday for you to detect your neutral.
Does your whole body tense up when you are debating whether to go? This is a whole body NO.
Do you feel open and light in your body when your friend suggests going to the mountains? This is a whole body YES.
In summary, learning how to trust your intuition takes practice.
Asking yourself small questions through out your day and following the impulse, listening to your inner voice regardless of logic, trusting the signs, learning your neutral, and whole body YES and NO, will help strengthen your intuition.
Let me know in the comments how your intuition has helped you!
Namaste! - Polly
Grab Your Free Guide: 10 Steps To Becoming A Clear Channel
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrollment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
Follow us on Instagram
How to use the power of Gratitude to manifest and change your energy!
In this post you will learn how to manifest using the power of gratitude. How a daily gratitude journal helps you to manifest anything. How gratitude rewires your brain, and how gratitude shapes our lives. How gratitude works, and how to manifest intentionally and change your energy, with the power of gratitude. This post will empower empaths to practice gratitude. You will know how to use gratitude to manifest anything, and how to manifest with gratitude.
By Polly Green
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
- Eckhart Tolle
Have you been scripting like crazy, making vision boards, and practicing the Law of Attraction to no avail?
Are you ready to:
Stop trying, forcing and controlling, and let the things you are wanting come to you.
Well then I invite you to read on dear reader!
This post will:
Catapult you out of manifesting mayhem.
Help you stop offering resistance.
Empower you to become a powerful manifesting magnet.
By practicing GRATITUDE.
Gratitude is the precursor to manifesting.
It MUST come first, and be authentic.
The mind’s natural default setting is to focus on the one thing it doesn’t have.
Manifesting can sneakily feed the mind’s lack mode.
Practicing daily gratitude rewires the brain's default, resetting it to one of abundance rather than lack.
When you are obsessed with what you are wanting rather than what you already have, you remain in a constant state of wanting.
Practicing gratitude changes this energy.
It moves us into the state of abundance and receiving, and reminds us just how much we really do have.
By focusing on all of the gifts already present in our life it raises our vibration into an allowing state, rather than one of lack.
It takes daily practice, and is important to make it a part of your morning ritual.
Five Steps to Gratitude :
Step #1 : Grab a pen and notebook.
Step #2 : Download your FREE Gratitude Guide.
Step #3 : Make a list of the top ten things you are grateful for today.
As you write - focus on your heart center and FEEL full of thanks.
The main objective is generating the feelings of gratitude and remaining in these feelings as long as possible.
Step #4: Below each gratitude add WHY are you grateful.
For example : I am grateful for my amazing house
- I am so grateful because it gives me shelter from the rain, I have plenty of space for practicing yoga, It is quiet, I feel safe, I have a helpful landlord, and quiet neighbours. I feel creative here and it is close to the beach.
Describing why you are grateful helps to get deeper into the feeling
Why we add the why:
It is easy to make a quick list and remain disconnected to the feeling.
The why helps us to fully appreciate each and every thing on our list, and say thank you.
Step #5 : Continue to practice saying thank you throughout the day, and stay aware of your thoughts.
If they slide into negativity or lack nudge them nicely back into gratitude.
The more we practice living in perpetual gratitude the faster our lives will change.
Gratitude is a super high frequency feeling, and by staying high frequency we naturally will attract more high frequency feelings, situations, and things to us.
It will begin to feel like things come to you.
You will stop trying so hard
You will let things happen rather than force them to happen.
You will feel in the flow rather than fighting the current.
Keep practicing gratitude until you feel the energy shift.
Start your gratitude practice now by dropping me one thing you are grateful for in the comments!
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrolment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
Follow us on Instagram
5 Minute Breathing Method for awakening empaths
In this post you will learn the 5 x 5 Breathing Method, designed for awakening empaths, but is helpful for everyone!
After practicing this 5 minute simple breathing method, you will feel more calm peace and grounded.
By Polly Green
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
- Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation
Breathing can become your biggest tool and best friend.
A foundation for living with conscious presence and awareness.
Breathing consciously can pull you out of anxiety, and provide a gateway into peace.
The breath can help you move through long buried emotions and trauma.
Exerting control over outside conditions the mind starts to speed up, It creates anxiety and fear creeps in. False scenarios of doom and destruction become your reality, and the downward spiral starts spiralling.
The antidote to this downward spiral = breathing.
The 5 x 5 Breathing Method- for awakening empaths. Will help you to RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST!
In this video/post you will learn the 5 x 5 Breathing Method, it is designed for awakening empaths, but is helpful for everyone!
This Breathing technique will help you raise your vibe, and retrain your brain.
The 5 x 5 breathing method is simple and effective.
Repeat as many rounds of the 5 x 5 breathing technique as you like!
It can be done anywhere at anytime.
I especially recommend it in stressful situations, when you are waiting in line, stuck in traffic or have a forced break in your flow.
1. Inhale for a count of 5.
3. Exhale for a count of 5.
After 5 rounds tense the whole body.
Exhale and release.
I encourage you to do the 5 minute 5 x 5 breathing method everyday for 21 Days.
Please let me know in the comments if you feel more relaxed after!
Namaste! - Polly
#spiritualcoach #raiseyourvibe #breathing #channeller #pollyandtheotherside
Otherside Channelling Academy
Want learn how to trust your inner wisdom and higher guidance? Enrollment is now open in my new program Otherside Channelling Academy - Check out our FREE TRAINING : Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! law of attraction - how i manifested my first motorcycling trip
Setting positive intentions - SOLO FEMALE Motorcycling - with no experience
FEEL YOUR FUTURE NOW - the law of attraction - simple tips for manifesting CRAZY success
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1. 1 on 1 single virtual coaching and channelling sessions
2. Our premium 12 week coaching program - contact us to apply.
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
Follow us on Instagram
How do I quiet my mind?
By Polly Green
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
- Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
The first step in quieting the mind is realizing it’s noisy in the first place!
Learning to become the master and not the servant of the mind begins with observing what thoughts you think.
10 tips to help quiet the mind, and cultivate inner peace
Write them down.
List the top ten thoughts you think that are negative.
Questioning what the mind rattles on about is the first step in harnessing it.
What we think plays a massive part in our reality.
Becoming aware of what is going on inside our mind and asking if it is helpful or harmful, begins the process Byron Katie calls inquiry.
Katie’s four step process called “The Work,” is an awesome tool for changing thoughts and beliefs.
Thoughts are not real, and can be changed!
A belief is simply a thought we think a lot.
To drop a thought means literally drop it!
Imagine holding a hot coal in your hand and suddenly releasing it.
If a thought is not helpful or serving you why think it?
If we choose to live life in alignment with our highest frequency then taking out the mental garbage is vital.
The drama channel.
The past relationship channel.
The family channel.
The mistakes channel.
The future channel.
The fear channel.
Bringing your awareness to your current channel helps:
break you out of the conditioned patterning of following the imaginary storyline.
snaps you back into the present moment.
gives you options!
The nature channel.
The peace channel.
The gratitude channel.
Choose channels that are high vibe, positive, uplifting, and that serve you!
Visualize yourself sitting in a lazy boy recliner with a remote control in your hand watching your mind TV:
click the remote and change the mental channel.
or better yet turn the TV off entirely!
Mantras are high vibrational words that connect us to our Divine nature.
Chanting mantra out loud or internally creates peace, calm, relaxation, and positive vibes.
AUM is a powerful mantra for raising your frequency, healing, and well-being.
Chanting AUM vibrates at 432HZ, the frequency found in all existence.
Chant the AUM in three parts: AA - UU - EEMM.
Each sound represents the three states of consciousness and three areas in your body.
A = pronounced aa, is the waking state vibration felt in the area of your navel.
U = pronounced uu, represents the dream state, felt in your chest.
M = pronounced eemm, represents the deep sleep state, and is felt in your throat
Chanting AUM acknowledges your connection to all that is, relaxes the body, and calms the mind.
Replacing low vibe thoughts with high vibe mantra, gives the mind something to do while creating peace in your soul.
Focusing on infinity is the last and final thought to replace all thoughts, and the gateway to a clear mind.
Some images of infinity:
The ocean
The view out an airplane window above the clouds
In conclusion, cultivating a quiet mind begins by: listening to the thoughts we think, consciously choosing them, creating new thought channels, replacing negative thought channels with high vibe mantras, and focusing on infinity.
Tending your mental garden by pulling the thought weeds, creates fresh ground to sprout inner flowers of peace.
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrollment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side to gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so that they can serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
10 Tips To Make The Impossible Possible
By Polly Green
“Anything is possible Madam.”
- Indian Proverb
A year ago, my mission was to find a new, inspirational yoga teacher that helped me to practice and live at my full potential.
Six months ago, I saw myself working poolside with an ocean view.
Today, I have just finished a high vibe, power-packed, inspirational yoga practice, with my innovative teacher.
He has worked magic with me, my life and my practice.
I am floating on cloud nine.
I am writing this post from my second story hotel room balcony. The view overlooks the pool and the ocean.
I woke up in my vision for reals!
How did this happen?
Ten Tips To Make The Impossible Possible:
1. Write down your intention.
Write in detail and use specifics.
Example: If you are wanting a teacher list their qualities: male/female, kind, enthusiastic, interested, passionate, professional, teaches in a way I connect with.
2. Visualize your intention.
Let yourself imagine the future as if it is now.
Take a leap of faith and play along.
See yourself poolside typing away on your computer, looking at the ocean in the distance, make it as real as possible in your imagination.
3. Get clear with the feelings.
What are the feelings associated with your intention?
How will you feel working poolside? Example: successful, confident, happy, thriving, on track, fulfilled.
4. Write them down.
Put your feelings down on paper. Writing brings them one step closer to reality.
5. Feel the feelings now.
Imagine you are currently living the reality of your desired intention, and feel what this new reality feels like.
Allow all of your cells to vibrate with the excitement and stoke of your intention.
6. Believe you are worthy.
Yes you can have what it is you really are wanting!
You are valuable, worthy, and deserving.
The only times I haven’t gotten what I asked for was when it wasn’t for my highest and best good.
The Universe has got your back!
7. Let it go.
Now let the magic happen.
Release your intention like a helium balloon up to the Universal intelligence, and know that your order has been placed.
8. Cultivate gratitude.
Write a gratitude list every day.
Remind yourself how awesome things are right here and now, and what an amazing job you have done at creating incredible things in your life.
There is always something to feel grateful for!
Gratitude is the gateway for grace.
9. Call in Grace.
Invite grace into your heart, and ask her to help with the magic only she can deliver.
10. Let go of the time frame.
Allow things to unfold and know that everything happens in perfect and divine timing.
In summary, getting clear with your intention, writing it down, believing it is possible, trusting and letting go while inviting in grace and staying in gratitude is a surefire recipe to make the impossible possible!
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrollment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So they can gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright, without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
Join our Free Training: Turn Your Sensitive Into Your Superpower
Grab our Free Guide:
10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
Say HI on Social Media:
Check out these videos:
Manifest Using The Power Of Gratitude - empaths change your energy
5 minute breathing method- for awakening empaths. RAISE YOUR VIBE FAST
Yoga Nidra - awakening empaths lets get grounded
What to expect as you spiritually awaken as an empath - an honest perspective
Rookie Solo Female Motorcycles Highest Road in the World
SERVING ON A 10- DAY Vipassana MEDITATION COURSE - the start of my spiritual path 10 years ago.
My dream to be THE WORLD CHAMPION - 2010
Mountain Biking over 5 Himalayan Passes in NORTH INDIA - 2013
#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
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How Do I Align With My Life Purpose?
By Polly Green
“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.”
- Mary Dunbar
• By Polly Green
Discovering what you are here on earth to do in this lifetime may feel like a massive mystery.
We have all come in with a unique blueprint of gifts, talents, and abilities.
Often times our Dharma, or rightful duty, in this life isn’t what our ego necessarily jives with.
However, magically, we are pushed in the right direction, whether we like it or not.
“I want to see through the veil, and know the absolute truth of my being,” my inner voice whispered.
The wish became relentless, and all I honestly cared about.
When our deepest heart’s desire, called Sankalpa in Sanskrit, is repeated it is bound to come true.
The journey to see through the veil uncovered my latent psychic gifts and put the teachers in my path to teach me how to use them. Now I use my intuitive abilities to help others align with their life purpose.
This was not my initial conscious intention. However it was as if that little inner whisper had plans of its own, and now I find myself with a job I love and know deep in my being that it is my soul purpose.
“Ok, that’s great for you!” You may be saying.
“But how do I find my life purpose?”
In order to listen to your inner voice, it is imperative that it has space to speak.
Make time each day to get quiet.
Directly upon waking is the clearest time.
Sit quietly for 5 minutes and ask your inner guidance for direction.
If you already know your deepest hearts desire skip to step 3.
Get into a quiet meditative state.
Have a pen and notebook next to you.
Connect with guidance.
Ask: “Dear Source, please make my deepest hearts desire clear. Thank you! It is done. Show me.”
Allow space in your heart for the answer to come.
Write down the guidance you receive.
Now you know your Sankalpa.
While in a meditative state or after yoga practice in Savasana, repeat your Sankalpa three times every day.
You are worthy of living your life to its highest potential.
Feel the feeling of living your purpose now.
Trust that the path will unfold.
Follow the signposts.
Express gratitude when your wish is fulfilled.
Agree that you will carry forth and fulfill your life purpose with grace, enthusiasm, and gusto.
Continue to ask guidance to show you the next right steps.
Embrace the journey.
In conclusion, gaining clarity in your life purpose comes when you make inner space and set a clear intention, state your hearts desire three times while in Savasana or meditation every day, and believe it is possible. When your Sankalpa arrives, agree you will carry forth and complete your life purpose with gusto!
Want to increase your intuition?
Enrolment is now open in Otherside Channelling Academy.
OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
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#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.