10 Tips To Make The Impossible Possible


By Polly Green

“Anything is possible Madam.”

- Indian Proverb

A year ago, my mission was to find a new, inspirational yoga teacher that helped me to practice and live at my full potential.

Six months ago, I saw myself working poolside with an ocean view.

Today, I have just finished a high vibe, power-packed, inspirational yoga practice, with my innovative teacher.

He has worked magic with me, my life and my practice.

I am floating on cloud nine.

I am writing this post from my second story hotel room balcony. The view overlooks the pool and the ocean.


I woke up in my vision for reals!

How did this happen?

Ten Tips To Make The Impossible Possible:

1. Write down your intention.

Write in detail and use specifics.

Example: If you are wanting a teacher list their qualities: male/female, kind, enthusiastic, interested, passionate, professional, teaches in a way I connect with.

2. Visualize your intention.

Let yourself imagine the future as if it is now.

Take a leap of faith and play along.

See yourself poolside typing away on your computer, looking at the ocean in the distance, make it as real as possible in your imagination.

3. Get clear with the feelings.

What are the feelings associated with your intention?

How will you feel working poolside? Example: successful, confident, happy, thriving, on track, fulfilled.

4. Write them down.
Put your feelings down on paper. Writing brings them one step closer to reality.

5. Feel the feelings now.

Imagine you are currently living the reality of your desired intention, and feel what this new reality feels like.

Allow all of your cells to vibrate with the excitement and stoke of your intention.

6. Believe you are worthy.

Yes you can have what it is you really are wanting!

You are valuable, worthy, and deserving.

The only times I haven’t gotten what I asked for was when it wasn’t for my highest and best good.

The Universe has got your back!

7. Let it go.

Now let the magic happen.

Release your intention like a helium balloon up to the Universal intelligence, and know that your order has been placed.

8. Cultivate gratitude.

Write a gratitude list every day.

Remind yourself how awesome things are right here and now, and what an amazing job you have done at creating incredible things in your life.

There is always something to feel grateful for!

Gratitude is the gateway for grace.

9. Call in Grace.

Invite grace into your heart, and ask her to help with the magic only she can deliver.

10. Let go of the time frame.

Allow things to unfold and know that everything happens in perfect and divine timing.

In summary, getting clear with your intention, writing it down, believing it is possible, trusting and letting go while inviting in grace and staying in gratitude is a surefire recipe to make the impossible possible!



Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.


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OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So they can gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright, without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
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Polly Green

Polly is a former professional kayaker, spiritual medium, channeller, coach, and founder of Other Side Channelling Academy.  She guides awakening empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their spiritual gifts to becoming empowered and unafraid to use their empath gifts confidently, achieving a balanced and fulfilling spiritual routine that seamlessly integrates with daily life.


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