Here is what clients are saying about their transformation working with Polly and The Other Side.
“Through specific routines and practices as inspired by our weekly sessions.
I feel clearer about my purpose and more in tune with the other side. I also trust myself more.”
- Brenda - Social Worker - USA
“Working with Polly and the Other Side totally blew me away.
I knew that I wanted to tackle some behaviors and habits that I had that weren't serving me well, and I could tell that there was something greater behind these self-sabotaging behaviors, and it needed a deeper attention. Something that was different from therapy, or journaling or just setting goals. Working with Polly and completing the learning modules, completely reprogrammed me and I have this new energy that is connected to Source, my spirit guides, my inner child and the different loved ones that I have on the other side. I have a new appreciation and love for being in nature and a better connection. The learning modules are really fun and they renewed my trust in my intuition. They taught me how to connect with my (guidance) team and they encourage lots of self-care. I’m actually in one of my sacred spaces outdoors right now. The tangible results from taking Polly’s class were: A daily yoga practice that I really really look forward to every day, increased gratitude, freedom from the old limiting beliefs that had been with me since childhood, and what surprised me the most is that I was able to just shed those like that, and it didn't take long. Some of the beliefs were so deep that they caused me to self-sabotage and make myself feel really small. Now I trust myself. I have a connection to my loved ones on the other side, and I experienced lots of magic. Spontaneous surprises that happen throughout the day. I feel like I've learned a lot and have a practice in my life.I have greater peace. I believe that you will get a lot out of this program. You'll definitely have a new awareness of life and spirituality for sure. A healthier lifestyle and most importantly, you'll have a lot more love for yourself. I know that's true for me.”
Lizzie - Oregon, USA
“The changes (I have experienced) are phenomenal.
I came to work with Polly at a time in my life when things weren't going so well. I was not being asked to resign a new contract where I worked. I had started drinking again. I was reacting rather than responding to situations. And just all in all not being the person that I wanted to be. There is some definite healing that has taken place in my life since working with Polly. I've had a 180 at work. I was asked to resign a contract. I was given a tremendous raise. I was able to step into who I really am instead of the self sabotaging person that I was being before. I am more in tune, I am softer with my words, more kind, more open, and full of gratitude. The changes have come and they are miraculous. It wasn't what I was expecting and I'm glad I didn't cut myself short because this was much more.”
- Ami E. - TEACHER - China
“I have grown so much since starting this program. It has been life changing.
I tap in in ways that I never would have imagined before. My intuition is super charged.”
- Becky - R.I. USA
Now I am comfortable in my own skin.
“Before joining Other Side channeling Academy I was feeling debilitating fear. It would just lock me up in ways that I couldn’t get myself out of. I was reading all the self help books and trying to get better but there was only so much I was able to do on my own.
Now after working with Polly and the other side in Other Side Channelling Academy I feel comfortable in my own skin. I am physically feeling better on both the outside and the inside. I have a beautiful relationship now with my daughter. I respond versus react in most situations versus getting angry and fearful. I am in a new loving place with my parents that I never could have imagined. It has been an incredible shift. I left my job of ten years and opened myself up to land an awesome new job. Our Tuesday calls really help as well as my daily yoga practice. I am always learning new things on the group calls and having the team support every week is inspiring. It makes a big big difference. My communication is better. I let go of drama. I don’t hurry any more. I ask for what I want. I am continuing to evolve. I love the support of knowing I am not alone.” - Gretchen USA
“No one ever gives you end of life education. Thank you for giving me the next step and clear directions.
No predictions. Tuning in to me and giving me a real role. And helping me to understand why this time is important.”
-Sushmitha - Yoga Teacher - India
“I’ve also increased my awareness around my emotional well being, and gained the confidence to face my dreams (dharma) of pursuing a career in filmmaking.
One tangible result of our work has been building a morning routine.
I’m now pretty consistent with a daily yoga practice that works for me.
It’s literally only five sun salutations, but it helps me stay accountable to myself and keeps my sore, kayaker body limber.
There were many results that surprised me throughout our work. I thought I was alone in feeling like I could never do the work that I knew deep down I was meant to do.
I was struggling with perfectionism and a fear of failure, and suppressing my creativity and desire to pursue my dharma. Polly was so helpful in this area, and our experiences were so parallel that she was really able to mentor me through overcoming the self doubt I had.
I would tell someone considering working with Polly that if you are able to be open and vulnerable, working with her can change your life. I’m a pretty reserved, private person, so just having a safe person to talk to was huge.
Polly is more than trustworthy, and you really feel that she is 100% on your team and working for you. I’m 23, and I’m so glad I started this work now.”
— Darby M. - Washington, USA
“Working with Polly and The Other Side I went from feeling chaotic and in pain in a codependent relationship to feeling grounded, happy, and peaceful so that I now feel ok in myself and being single am ready to take the next step on my spiritual path.”
— Laura G. - Vancouver, Canada
“Working with Polly and The Otherside has been such a blessing. It has given me deeper clarity and a profound trust in the benevolent guidance of the universe.”
— John Shrader - Authorized Level 2 - Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Teacher - India
“Working with Polly and the Other Side helped me to clear massive heavy energies. I felt the weight lift and like a balloon that now can fly.”
— Sushmitha Shrikanth - Yoga Teacher - India
“Working with Polly and The Otherside I went from self doubt to feeling capable, strong and free, so that I can now fly,and ski at my highest potential.”
— Dede F. - Aerobatic Jet Pilot - Montana USA
“Polly is an incredible weave of mystic, power, intuitive, creative, and healer. She not only gave me channeled information, but a breathwork session to sealed all that was ready to be released and renewed. Working with her was beyond amazing. She blew my mind with what channeled information she had to share with me, and was able to help me meet every intention I set and even more than I expected. I felt safe and held in the supreme light of my highest good. I thank you so much Polly for sharing this incredible gift with the world. This is your true purpose and anyone who comes in contact with you is blessed fully. So much gratitude!”
“I am an ongoing client of Polly’s and she practices what she preaches. You can put yourself fully in her hands. She has done all of the spiritual work herself and lived to tell the tale. That is what makes me trust her. Beyond that, the actual sessions-amazing! Because Polly has experience with so many modalities of healing, she is really able to let her clairvoyant/medium abilities guide the session and then she utilizes whatever combination of modalities fits your needs. Her vibration is on a whole other level to anything I have ever experienced and as a result the transformation she facilitates is truly unparalleled. I wholeheartedly recommend Polly to absolutely anyone who wants a taste of expansion! She truly can bring you anywhere you want to go!”
“I had been praying to find the best healer for me, and oh yes I found her. I’m grateful beyond words to have met Polly. Our first session together was totally mind blowing. Profound and real life changes happened after that first session and since then I’ve done a number of sessions with the same result. To give an example, a huge fear dating from childhood vanished. Thanks to so many inner changes my relationship to the world has changed too. It is truly amazing! Polly is a true gift.”
“Polly has become one of my most referred healers for her ability to leave me feeling brand new, squeaky clean and perfectly whole after one session. She worked with me recently to solve a huge piece of my personal puzzle, with her gentle, poignant questioning, Tibetan bowls, and psychic leadership. She seemed to feel so deeply with me and into me spiritually, to transform blind spots, dredge up pain and reawaken self - love, that I am beginning to believe her wonderful psychic predictions. Life has continued to improve rapidly and excitedly since our first session. ”
“Polly has amazing gifts and the healing I had most recently has made a remarkable difference in all areas of my life, work, family and in my relationships with others. I am so grateful and relieved to be re-balanced and grounded again. It’s wonderful to get reflections from Polly on what she has seen through her channelling. She also offers “homework” and processes that I can do to help maintain the clearing and higher frequency. I would recommend Polly to everyone. Her genuineness and kindness will be obvious immediately. I feel incredibly fortunate and blessed to have met her and I know you will too! ”
“I had an amazing psychic medium session with Polly. As soon as she mentioned my deceased grandmother was there I knew she was on the right path as my grandmother always comes through on any readings I have had previously. Polly was able to put me in touch with my deceased mother and father which was my deepest wish for the session and through this not only I have started a healing process but so has my mother. It was an incredibly powerful session unlike any other and I am incredibly grateful for this gift. Thank you!”
“I was fortunate to meet Polly at a difficult moment in my life. Although I was living on an island in paradise at the time, I felt more lost and confused than ever before. Within moments of meeting Polly, I realized how blessed I was to cross paths with her. Polly helped me recognize that all of the fear, anxiety, and grief I had been feeling was my own creation and that I had been stuck in a cycle of negative energy. She helped me see that I did not need to remain stuck there forever; If I wanted to change, all I needed to do was make the commitment to do so. Polly introduced me to meditation and a few yoga postures. Full of grief and anxiety, tears rolled down my face in our first session together. Though it took work to remain focused at first, I managed to get a glimpse of the clarity and sound mind I was seeking. This sneak peek of divine light was just enough to get me hooked. As the days went by I felt lighter and lighter and more and more certain that I had found a new and better path: a path towards inner peace. Even today when I do my morning and evening yoga and meditation session I hear Polly’s voice inside my head. The sound of her voice resonates within every cell of my being, as I breathe in the love around me and breathe out that which does not serve me. It’s as if she is right there with me….the source of divine light that I am finally starting to feel within me.
Polly has changed my life forever and I am forever grateful to her.”
“Polly is one of the most supportive and interested people I know and she comes from a deep place of caring. She has this infectious curiosity and interest in what you do and experience, which gives you the space to explore that in yourself without any judgement. She sees things about you- past lives, lingering energies, messages, loved ones- and helps you understand your current life and purpose, by showing you how these energies affect you. It’s really amazing and surprising to hear what she has to say, but it also feels so natural because it rings so true.
Polly is the real deal and will give you exactly what you need, wherever you are in your life, to heal yourself and open you to the universe and its eternal guidance. Don’t miss a chance to work with her she won’t disappoint. And if you can start a long term (coaching) relationship, that is where she really shines.”
“Thank you so much for the session, it really felt like I connected with my mother and the love I felt for and from her was something I haven’t felt in a long time with all the pain that was loaded on top of it. It feels as though much of it has shifted, and while I didn’t find my fathers name, it felt like a massively healing experience and much more peace around my mum and what happened to her. I felt for the first time I was actually able to help her, emotionally. She wouldn’t let me do that while she was alive. Thank you!”
“I believe if you come into Polly’s contact it is for a very good reason.
I was very fortunate to and she helped me through a very sad time in my life, her healings changed my life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your love and sensitivity during my sessions with you made me feel safe and gave me strength. The advise and wisdom channeled through was given with such innocence, thank you.
I was truly amazed by the whole experience. Apart from giving me peace around my grieving, my experience with you has given me a stronger spiritual belief!”
“Polly listened and helped me to dissect the problem, which helped me to go from not sticking to the negative aspects to dissolving the problem completely. Her process naturally initiated a total transformation of the problem. I now feel gratitude, which led me to find freedom by letting go. Thank you!”