Synchronicity - a sign of good intention setting - LOA

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By Polly Green

“We often dream about people from whom we receive a letter by the next post. I have ascertained on several occasions that at the moment when the dream occurred the letter was already lying in the post-office of the addressee.”

- C.G. Jung, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle

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In this post you will learn how synchronicity can be a result of setting good intentions!

By the end of this post you will feel empowered with the tools to recognise how your intentions become synchronicity, you will see the power of your thoughts and how they manifest in the material, you will be super motivated to start setting intentions and see their synchronistic result. 

I use this technique every day, and almost like clock work I know when something synchronistic is going to happen.

Just the other day a picture of me with an elephant from my first trip to India popped up on my Face book page.

After wards, I set the intention to go see the temple elephant and within the hour the elephant came to me, strolling down the road!

Before reading on be sure to grab my free gratitude guide available to download here. - it will help you as a template.

In last weeks post we talked about setting intentions - if you missed it check it out here.

In this video you will learn how synchronicity is a sign of good intention setting using the law of attraction - magic happens! The analytical psychologist C...

Two Steps to Synchronicity:

Step #1 - NOTICE

  • Every day keep a list of daily synchronicity from the previous day.

    1. Start with the small stuff.

    2. I woke up at 5:55

    3. I looked at my clock at 3:33

    4. I was hoping to meet Sara at the beach and I did - without planning it!

    5. I had dream about Jane and she messaged the next day!

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Step #2 - REVIEW

  • Once you have been doing the daily Gratitude - Intentions- Synchronicity for awhile - look back and see exactly what you wrote down and what came to fruition.

    • This practice empowers you and your synchronistic ability to manifest.

    • It is a clear reminder that magic and miracles happen everyday.

    • We just need to notice and pay attention.

    • Writing them down daily as a practice helps to cultivate your awareness of the smaller synchronicity paving the way for bigger ones to come through

    • It helps you to feel connected to your guides, source, the universe, and your ancestors on the other side

    • You are never alone

    • Your thoughts are powerful

    In summary, syncing up to your daily synchronicity:

    1. You see the connection between your thoughts and the material.

    2. You will become more motivated to become a conscious intention setter!

    3. You will see more synchronicity, your vibration will rise, and you will be more motivated to keep up your daily intention setting practice!

Thanks 🙏🏼 so much for reading and be sure to leave me one of your synchronicities from today in the comments!

Namaste! - Polly

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OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side to gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so that they can serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma
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#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy

Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.



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Polly Green

Polly is a former professional kayaker, spiritual medium, channeller, coach, and founder of Other Side Channelling Academy.  She guides awakening empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their spiritual gifts to becoming empowered and unafraid to use their empath gifts confidently, achieving a balanced and fulfilling spiritual routine that seamlessly integrates with daily life.

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